District Leadership
District Chair | Dave Bloxsom |
Deputy District Chair | Mike Parrish |
District Commissioner | David Roberson |
District Executive | Paul McGinley |
Vice Chair, Finance | Volunteer |
Vice Chair, Program | Volunteer |
Vice Chair, Membership | Colleen Warren |
Vice Chair, Marketing | Greg Williams |
Members at Large | Chris Bedard |
Members at Large | Peter Bladen |
Members at Large | Julie Bostian |
Members at Large | Brenda Lucas |
Members at Large | Jane Redding |
Members at Large | Jim Robbins |
Members at Large | Zeke Zarrella |
Webmaster | Sean “Frodo” Byrne |
Vice Chair Finance | Vacant |
Popcorn | Melody Bloxsom |
Friends of Scouting | Vacant |
Special Events | Vacant |
Camp Cards | Trish Campos |
Vice Chair Membership | Colleen Warren |
Scout Recruitment Coodinator | Vacant |
Webelos to Scout | Monica Robyns |
Youth Protection Champion | Bill Desmond |
Vice Chair Program | Vacant |
Advancement & Recognition | Keith Collins |
Eagle Advisors | Andrew Corl & Norm Feldser |
Merit Badge Deans | Rick Millward & Eric Legg |
STEAM | Vacant |
Awards | Rich Golling |
Religious Emblems | LeMoyne Fletcher |
Breakfast & Dinner | Ron Layman |
Activities & Civic Service | Vacant |
Klondike Derby | RJ Grenier |
Bike Rodeo | Marvin Hill |
Pinewood Derby | Joe Scalise, Scott Crutchley |
International Scouting | Mike Parrish |
Shooting Sports | Dave Place & Steve Crowe |
Scouting for Food | Keith Collins |
OA Representative | Eric Ashbuagh |
Camping | Vacant |
Day Camp | David Bloxsom & Bill Desmond |
Camporee | Vacant |
Webelos Woods | Brian Dwyer |
Camp Catoctin Liasion | Kurt Yankaskas |
Watershed | Ron Layman |
Training | Lee Perez |
IOLS/Baloo | Vacant |
Den Chief | Doug O’Connor |
COR | Vacant |
Venturing | Carrie Stafford |